Earlier I was saying that Halloween was going to
be busy. To be honest it was much more crouded than I expected. Caleb hairsprayed is hair green, and I hairsprayed my hair black. Mom (Steph) didn't even recognize me. She almost kicked me out of the house when she realized it was me.
For the Crafts we did black balloons and made them into bats.
For outside decorations we made banners out of balloons, and triangular shapes.
Haleigh was going to be Mario but couldn't find and suit. So instead she wore a witch hat and googly eye glasses.
My Costume wore out because of playing Soccer playing with some little kids, which were actually really good. I know it looks really grose. So when I took a shower all this black stuff comes pooring down off of my head.
This was just the beggining. It wasn't anything compared to when it got later.
It was really busy but it was worthit. I went and got some candy myself. There were even American sweets like skittles, Reeses, and Starbursts!